Wednesday, November 18, 2009


hieritical vs. relation database

Hieratic is a cursive writing system used in pharaonic Egypt that developed alongside the hieroglyphic system,[1] to which it is intimately related. It was primarily written in ink with a reed brush on papyrus, allowing scribes to write quickly without resorting to the time consuming hieroglyphs. The word hieratic derives from the Greek phrase γράμματα ἱερατικά (grammata hieratika; literally "priestly writing"), which was first used by Saint Clement of Alexandria in the second century AD,[2] as at that time hieratic was used only for religious texts, as had been the case for the previous thousand years.

Relational database
A relational database matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set. The resulting groups of data are organized and are much easier for people to understand.

For example, a data set containing all the real-estate transactions in a town can be grouped by the year the transaction occurred; or it can be grouped by the sale price of the transaction; or it can be grouped by the buyer's last name; and so on.

Such a grouping uses the relational model (a technical term for this is schema). Hence, such a database is called a "relational database."

The software used to do this grouping is called a relational database management system. The term "relational database" often refers to this type of software.

Relational databases are currently the predominant choice in storing financial records, manufacturing and logistical information, personnel data and much more.

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